
Down below you can read sincere testimonials from people I have worked with over the years.


“I’ve been through a lot in my life, especially over the last 2-3 years. Whenever I reached out for help, I was met with people who shrugged it off, got uncomfortable or therapists that were quick to tell me what my problem was without actually listening to me. I just kept spiralling further.

I was eventually diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety. Highlights include (but not limited to­­): years of baggage, months of night terrors, dissociating, suicide ideation and seeing demons mock me (I’m not even joking). At the time location wasn’t an issue, so when I met Sarah, she came to me since I didn’t have the strength to go visit her or wanted phone calls. Sarah was the first person to ever fully acknowledge my pain; the first to sit beside the trash bags in my depression room and first to truly empathise with me, not because she was the first person I told, but because she was the first person who cared enough. She was not fazed by the gritty parts of my story and cared enough to actually listen to me. Mind you, I hadn’t known this chick for more than a month at this point, if that. The first week we started talking she met me in the trenches of my sh*t. Her counselling never had that ingenuine flavour that therapy sometimes has, it was simply counselling. She would listen and offer me honest advice. Being a strong believer in God was not a condition for her care considering I was claiming different beliefs at the time; but I was already open to other ideas because of my desperation.

I’m happy to say after Jesus and her triune counselling, I currently don’t have demons laughing in my room, depression and anxiety now mean nothing to me/no longer have power over me and my life has genuine direction.

I’m free and at peace.

I don’t know what you are currently going through, but as someone who’s had a handful of ad therapists and tried every app or online solution, I’ll tell you honestly that her counselling made a huge difference to me. Sarah was there to listen and support.

Things about S. K. Witzan and her counselling:

She actually does not give a damn about the things most people would judge you for. She sat next to my 3-month-old trash and even ate the cheap, crusty meals I cooked for us to share. I believe there is nothing you could tell Sarah that would faze her since the Holy Spirit probably already told her in a dream or vision while you were chatting about the weather. (Spoiler alert, this happened with her a lot).

You should know I am incredibly uncomfortable being vulnerable. It was one of my main issues and part of why it was difficult to ask for help over and over again. But it came naturally with Sarah, because she is genuine and real.

If you’re this far in my essay, well done, you get a free shirt lol, but I feel like all of that needed to be said to give you a better idea just how much her counsel has helped me.

Counselling summarised; comfortable, easy, exactly what I needed. She’s honest and empathetic.”

“Starting counselling with Sarah has been really really helpful for me. She’s so flexible with me and I can even text her during the week if I really need to speak to her to organise another session quickly. During our sessions it’s not uncomfortable when sharing with her and is almost like speaking to a friend. Her approach is casual which calms you down when you feel like everything around you is falling apart and makes it so easy to open up and speak to her about literally anything. Being a Christian as well, I really appreciate it when she uses scripture for very specific problems I am dealing with. She is really really sweet and makes her services completely affordable and accessible which is the most helpful thing when you want private counselling.”

“My very first conversation with Sarah opened up my eyes to life-long trauma that I didn’t even know I was blind to. Trauma that kept me bound and separated from who I actually am; that with her help I’m now free to discover who I was created to be. It is safe to say that through her counsel I can now walk the path that God set for me.”

“Sarah, I always want to write because I’m so full of manic ideas but I can never get my thoughts onto paper. I was sitting before a blank page about to give up when I thought, why don’t I pray? And the difficult thing I find about praying is I can’t think straight enough to pray for long before I end up on some dumb tangent. So, I picked up my pen and started to write to God in a letter-like prayer. And it’s gonna sound hella fake deep and rubbish haha because I’m mediocre at best, but there was a section the Lord told me to share with you:

‘It’s happening now. At first a droplet, gradually becoming a trickle, a gush, forming a stream. That stream will flow into a gushing river and then a mighty ocean. You will wash over every part of my soul and then my life. Cleansing me of my wrongs and washing away the festering rot in my wounds.’

You, Sarah, gave me that much-needed nudge. I can’t remember how you put it before, but it was something about you giving people a nudge when their hearts are ready for harvest. (That’s very poetic imagery and I think I understand it now.) You opened the faucet (if you follow my water metaphor haha).

So, thank you.

I’m not there yet, but I’m closer than I ever have been before.”

“Sarah has empowered me through her counselling and has encouraged me to reframe my experiences using some really insightful tools which she’s shared with me and helped me develop. Sarah’s counsel has introduced me to new and resourceful ways to reflect on the past and to investigate my current state of mind to move forward in my way of thinking. I have found her guidance on how to ease anxiety and worry through prayer and the practice of interceding for others has renewed my courage and my faith. I look forward to our sessions and really value the insights that I have gained so far. I genuinely look forward to learning lots more.

Thank you, Sarah.”

Counselling Service

Sometimes one small encounter can make a significant difference in our lives. It was certainly true for the people who have shared their experiences above, people whom I’ve had the honour of counselling and offering guidance to. You could also be a conversation away from finding breakthroughs and major shifts in your life.

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