Healing Body, Mind, And Spirit

I’m Sarah K. Witzan, your private Triune Counsellor.
For over eight years, I’ve taken an interesting journey through a personal search into human behaviour, trauma, mental patterns and gender dynamics. Through my own studies with biblical foundations, paired with counselling individuals with life-long trauma, I have refined my approach over the years to offer you today counsel for your spirit, soul and body.


During my personal studies and one-on-one counselling, I have discovered that you and I are far more complex than psychology currently explains. We are all triune, having both a spirit and a soul inside our funny little meat suits (or body if you want to sound more technical). The soul is broken down to your mind, your will and your emotions; your spirit is everything supernatural – the core of who you are – while your body is everything that links to your physical behaviour and physical being. Understanding this, I realised that many counselling services focus only on a small fraction, but if you only ever help just a small part of your entire being then eventually the unhealed aspects will bleed into the rest. Since they are all connected they have the ability to influence each other unknowingly and more often than not there are invisible components to this.

Have you found you can’t break out of certain patterns or mindsets but don’t know why that is? Have you had supernatural experiences but can’t explain them? Or maybe you can sense something is wrong in your life but you just can’t pinpoint what it is. There is a spiritual aspect people neglect and it ties into your physical body and soulish health. Recognising the spiritual is not an uncommon notion in psychology, yet it still gets dismissed in practice. This being said, the spiritual must be led through biblical foundations and truth. I have come to learn that many people need help not only with their mental and emotional health (soul), but to also develop discipline in their behaviours (body), and eventually come to realise their spirit (their divinely created core) needs the most help.


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Individual Counselling

An hour-long session via video chat or phone call. Standard counselling where we sit down to have conversations and I will lead you through specific topics at a comfortable pace.

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Relationship Counselling

A chance for you and your partner to combat strife by learning to understand the other's unique quirks as well as common traits that are often misunderstood by the other gender.

Poetic Counselling

Poetic & Prose counselling

Combining Individual Counselling with poetry and prose. A unique and creative way for you to get help for your struggling areas and to receive something personalised.


You may find it easier to speak to someone who counsels from the light at the end of the tunnel. Someone who has walked through the shame, walked through the hurt, who can then share the light and techniques for that dark night of the soul.


No complicated process. No fancy-schmancy methods. Just back to the basics of counsel for your spirit, soul and body.

© SARAH K. WITZAN.CO.UK 2024 all rights reserved
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